Soggy but successful celebrations in Benamargosa

Despite being a trifle on the damp side yesterday, around 7,000 people attended the fifth Fiesta del Campo in Benamargosa.

Benarmargosa is a small town of around 2,000 people and the local economy is heavily based on agriculture, 80% of the population deriving its income from the production and sale of tropical and sub-tropical products.

Fiesta-goers were able to sample the local almonds, lychees, mangoes and avocados as well as other local delicacies such as a spicy ‘guacamole’, ‘baticate’ (beaten avocado with milk, sugar and cinnamon), ‘Zoque’ (lemon-based drink) and various cheeses and sausages. Copious amounts of beer and local wine were also on offer, and consumed!

The event was a double success for the local farmers. Not only did loads of people turn up despite the bad weather, but the rains were good for the crops.

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