European Parliamentary elections June 2009

The European Parliamentary elections are still a way off, June 2009, but the Council is already sending out letters to all those registered on the ‘padrón’, or municipal census.

EU citizens resident in Spain have the right to vote in the elections, all you need to do is be registered on the census and return the letter declaring your intention to exercise that right, or not. The letter doesn’t need a stamp, so no excuse for not returning it!

Anyone who voted last time around should still be on the electoral register and the letter will just confirm your electoral status, your previous choice to exercise your voting rights being permanent for the duration of your residency in Spain.

If you did not vote last time around, or are a recent resident, you will need to return the form.

Anyone resident should be listed on the census. It’s free, easy and means more money for the municipal coffers for social services such as medical, police, Fire Brigade etc. see Census.

If you believe you are registered on the census or have previously voted but do not receive a letter by early November, contact the Town Hall or the Provincial Electoral Census Office on 901 101 900.

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