Rio Guadalquivir back in Andalucía

The Rio Guadalquivir rises in the Sierra de Cazorla, passes through the cities of Córdoba and Sevilla and is then navigable as far as its mouth in Sanlúcar de Barrameda. At no point does it pass through Palma de Mallorca and there are no plans for any new tributaries for it to do so.

Control of the Rio Guadalquivir passes to the Junta de Andalucía on January 1st following an agreement with the Central Government (and not the government of Palma de Mallorca).

The Junta de Andalucía, keen to promote the river for tourist purposes, produced a brochure….showing the Cathedral of Palma de Malloca on its banks! The Junta has now admitted that this was a ‘serious (and costly) error’!

I suppose not quite as bad as the Russians who once issued a Veterans Day stamp with the USS MIssouri on it!

Russia Veterans Day
On that occasion it prompted a  Defence Ministry spokesman to say: ‘We do have similar ships, beautiful ships. They should have used one of those’……

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