Skating, biking and the playing of ball games to be restricted in Fuengirola

The days of skating and biking in plaza de España, and other public places, in Fuengirola are numbered under new muncicpal ordinances.

Once the new Skate Plaza is officially opened, currently scheduled for completion in January 2009, new municipal ordinances will come into effect not only governing skating, skateboarding and biking, but also the playing of ball games in public places.

Article 99a of the new ordinance states that ‘the users of skates and skateboards, bicycles, balls or similar objects, in public spaces are obliged to observe a responsible and respectful civic conduct and should refrain from any use that might be inappropriate, annoying, dangerous or harmful to people or cause damage to street furniture.’

It has not yet been decided exactly where the restrictions will apply, but is likely to cover all ‘plazas’ and most ‘busy’ streets. Fines for infractions will be €60.

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