Pub Lollipop, Rancho del Arte and other bits…

Typical. As soon as I say it’s still glorious weather, what happens? Rain followed by a plummeting of temperatures. And pretty windy today.

It’s the transitional season, and many people seem to be confused. There are quite a few people, mostly visitors it has to be said, wandering around in shorts and t-shirts. There are some, locals mostly, who have gone to the other extreme and have already donned winter woollies and thick coats. But the majority, locals and visitors alike, can’t seem to make up their minds.

There are shorts plus woollies or jackets, trousers and t-shirt. Any body seeing a video report of Nerja at the moment would have a hard time deciding what on earth the weather was like!

Rancho del Arte, NerjaThe old Rancho del Arte building near the Supersol roundabout has gone, the workmen are in there beavering away like mad. Which is more than can be said about the work on the beautification of the Rio Chillar! That stop-start, restart project seems to have died yet another death. A bit like the underground car park at Verano Azul! The car will be an obsolete mode of transport before that gets finished. Never mind, the Council is starting a whole new load of building projects, roundabouts and bridge extensions, which may or may not ever get finished.

It was a nice old building, dating back a very long time. Rancho del Arte are now located about halfway down calle Chaparil.

Pub Lollipop, NerjaA change of name in Plaza Tutti Frutti – where the underground rubbish bins, completed at the beginning of the year, are still not operational and are still wrapped in plastic! There’s even a bit of grafitti on one – with the arrival of Pub Lollipop. It used to be La Buena Sombra.

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