Local Police Chief denies corruption

The Chief of the Local Police has been involved in a bit of controversy of late after a complaint was made about a number of officers receiving overtime payments for hours they hadn’t actually worked.

The complaint alleged that the chief of police had consciously paid overtime to a number of officers during the past three years knowing that those hours had not been worked.

The Chief of Police denied any wrongdoing, saying that the allegations were made by a disgruntled individual purely in an attempt to discredit himself and the Local Police force.

The UGT-PSP Union convened a meeting to discuss the allegations and made a statement that the accusations had not been supported either by the Union or any other representative body and that they had been made by an individual without any reference to the Union.

Both the Council and the Union have expressed their support for the Chief of Police and the officers concerned and say that the overtime payments were simply the result of an administrative or computer error.

This error, having been discovered, is being rectified and the monies are being repaid by the officers concerned.

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