The scientific approach

The Councilor for Tourism, José Miguel García, has stated that tourist occupancy rates during Semana Santa were around ‘100%’.

There is, however, an apparent lack of precise data relating to the occupancy rates during the last few days of the holiday period and the figure of 100% is based on various ‘statistical thermometers’ in the municipality. José Miguel García stated that if occupancy wasn’t actually 100%, then it wasn’t far off.

In the absence of real data, criteria used to gauge the occupancy rate include:

  • The amount of residual waste collected
  • Number of people visiting the Tourist Office
  • Number of car park tickets sold
  • Advance hotel and apartment reservations
  • It was almost impossible to find a room on Thursday, Friday or Saturday
  • There were lots of people on the Balcón de Europa and on the beaches

Wouldn’t be surprised if this turned out to be more accurate measurement than the actual figures, if and when they become available.

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