Award ceremony for the VI Certamen Literario de Cartas Nerja-Mujer

nerjaliteraryAt a ceremony held in the Town Hall Chambers, the Councillor for Equality, Andrés Márquez, presented the prizes for the VI Certamen Literario de Cartas Nerja-Mujer, a literary competition organised by the Nerja Council.

There were 55 entries, of which 24 were written by Nerjeños. The prizes were awarded as follows:

  • First prize: Pilar Vega Barrenechea.
  • Second Prize: Alicia Haydee Acosta Godoy.
  • Third Prize: Margarita García-Díaz Galán.
  • First Prize Local: Francisca Fernández Casanova.
  • Second Prize Local: Hernica Port Isabel

The ceremony was timed to coincide with the International Day of the Book. After the presentation of the awards, the five winning stories were read out to the assembled group of guests.

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