Battery recycling

Used batteries are not items which have been given much attention on the recycling front in Nerja, but that is about to change.

The Council and the Ministry of Environment have signed an agreement to place 25 containers in public buildings to facilitate the recycling of batteries, part of the programme Ecopilas. The agreement does not involve any costs for the municipal coffers.

It is already compulsory, under a decree which came into force last year, for establishments selling batteries to provide recycling containers. Last year, a total of 5,280 kilos of old batteries were collected for recycling.

The aim of this latest programme is to make it easier for people to do the right thing by increasing the number of collection points. The first two containers have already been installed, in the Citizens Help Office, OMAC, and in the offices of UPEDEN. The rest will be installed ‘soon’.

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