Cueva del Tesoro

The family who own the Tesora Caves in Rincón de la Victoria have written to the Council asking that the site be considered as ‘cultural’ rather than ‘just a building’ as far as expropriation plans are concerned.

The Cueva del Tesoro is leased to the Laza family until 2020 but moves are afoot to get the caves into public ownership. The Council is proposing to build a theme park around the caves to attract more visitors.

The caves have proven to be a very difficult item to value. The Laza family have been asking for €3,7 million for the caves. A group of technical experts, including archaeologists, came up with a figure of €350,000. Council technicians arrived at a figure of €91.827. Quite a variation.

The caves contain paintings dating back 35,000 years.

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