Safer Internet Day

Today, Tuesday February 9th, is Safer Internet Day, a day that seeks to promote a safe and responsible use of new technologies, especially among minors, throughout the world.

The event is promoted by the European Commission and organised by INSAFE, the European Network for Safe Internet and in Spain by the Asociación Protégeles.

Latest figures show that around 85% of children aged between 10 years and 15 years use the internet, most for entertainment, music, games and for school assignments. This figure has increased by around 25% in just two years.

The theme of this year’s event is ‘Think B4 U Post’ and addresses, amongst other things, such things as racist or inappropriate content.

The highest internet use by minors is from those in the 12 years to 13 years age group, although there has been a huge increase in use by those aged between 6 years and 10 years. Around 36% of minors using the internet do so in ordr to chat.

The Department of Innovation offers a free ‘content filter’ and this has been downloaded by around 7,000 families in Andalucia.

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