And so it continues

At the last plenary session of the Nerja Council, the IU member proposed a motion demanding ‘urgency’ for the plans for an integral sanitation system for the Axarquia. This motion was rejected by the PSOE, prompting the Mayor, José Alberto Armijo, to accuse the socialists, both locally and in the Mancomunidad de la Axarquía (Commonwealth of the Axarquia) of having no interest in the subject.

This, of course, was unlikely to go unanswered, and it hasn’t. The PSOE of the Mancomunidad de la Axarquía have now, in turn, criticised the Mayor of Nerja, calling him ‘opportunistic’ and saying that he has done nothing about it in his 15 years in office.

If only all this political hot air could be harnessed, it could probably power the national grid.

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