Eroski commercial centre for Ronda

The Basque company Eroski are investing €120 million to build a new commercial centre in Ronda which will create 1,000 direct jobs and 300 construction jobs.

The location of the new centre will be the old fairground and steps are already underway to adapt the PGOU (General Plan) to the LOUA (Urban Plan of Andalucia) in order to permit the construction of commercial premises on the site.

The new centre will cover 73,100 square metres, of which 32,148 square metres will be parking for 1,724 vehicles, 8,000 square metres for the hypermarket, 15,000 square metres for businesses associated with the fashion industry, 3,000 square metres to be used as a service area and 6,000 square metres for dining and local entertainment.

The fairground will be the site of the hypermarket and smaller shops and the old football field will house the bulk of the commercial premises, the two areas being connected by an underpass.

The projected completion period is 18 to 24 months, although Eroski believe this could be shortened to between 14 and 18 months. Work is expected to start before the summer.

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