On the hoof…

Nice day for a wander round town.

Renovation of the old Calahonda cake shop/bakery in calle Puerto del Mar has finished and, having also taken over the former Drugstore next door, it is now a huge shop.

New Shop New Shop

Came across this huge slobbering chap or chapess in calle Carabeo. Actually looked quite friendly but wasn’t going to risk putting my hand through the bars.

Big Dog

I suppose it’s ingrained in people. I watched as an old guy on calle Pintada walked purposefully past a perfectly good waste bin and deposited his waste paper in the flower pots a few metres further along. As you can see, the two items are close together and not really that difficult to tell apart. Well, not if you study them closely.

Picasso was at work down by Carabeillo beach, giving the decorative wall a new lick of paint, presumably ready for the Easter influx.

Painter March 22nd 2010

It is Ecological Patatas Fritas on the Balcon de Europa now.

Eco Chips

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