Former landowner seeks injunction against Ronda Council

The former owner of a plot of land being used by Ronda Council for the construction of a sports centre is requesting an injunction to halt the building works on the grounds that he has still not been paid by the Council for the land.

The owner and the Council, under  the socialist Mayor Juan Benítez, signed an agreement in 2002 whereby a plot of 5,965 square metres was ceded to the Council for the construction of a new sports complex.

In exchange, the owner was to receive a 650 square metre plot of land, suitable for residential building, in the area known as EU-19. In addition, the Council was to purchase 2,802 square metres of land at the market rate, a total of €212,000.

The owner has repeatedly asked the Council to honoyr their side of the agreement as he has received neither the promised plot of land nor the cash. Finally, the owner sent a letter to the Council warning that he would take the matter to the courts if there was no response. There wasn’t, so he did.

The new sports facility is already in its second phase of construction, the €1,120,125 project being funded equally by the Council and the Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Sports of the Junta de Andalucia.

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