El Cangrejo and other bits…

El Cangrejo has reopened under new ownership but, apparently, still pretty much as it used to be with a fine array of tapas, which is great news. It didn’t remain closed for very long at all.

It was Ernesto’s, then a steakhouse, then Ernesto’s again, but never open, then Balty Towers, then Ernesto’s once more, but still never open, and now, after several years, it is Molly Malone’s.

For those who don’t know, it is in the small alley towards the end of calle El Barrio next to ZaZa’s chicken place.

The inside of the bar rarely changes. It has nice wooden beams, is spacious and has a small terrace. There is also a good pool table. A small beer (tubo of Estrella) will set you back €1.40.

Passed a smiling couple chatting to one of the regular ‘holiday survey’ people and merrily rubbing the scratchcard in anticipation of the proverbial ‘free lunch’. Bet the smiles soon disappeared when they went to collect their ‘prize’.

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