Pointless drivers

According to the latest figures issued by the DGT, a total of 4,921 Andalucian drivers managed to use up all of their points and were deprived of their licenses during the first half of 2010.

Drivers in Sevilla were the worst offenders, 1,580 losing their licenses, followed by Cádiz with 892, Málaga with 795, Granada with 562, Córdoba with 372, Almería with 331, Huelva with 250 and Jaén bringing up the rear with 139.

During the first six months of this year, 297,650 points were deducted in Andalucia, Sevilla once again topping the table with 84 585. They were followed by Málaga with 52,758, Cádiz with 38,787, Granada with 36,092, Córdoba with 27,460, Almeria with 21,381, Jaén with 21,127 and Huelva with15,460.

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