Football 7

The Council should be able to slay several feathered creatures with one mineral object next week as construction is due to start on the much needed Football-7 pitch in parque Verano Azul.

The project, financed under the second Plan Zapatero, currently has a budget of €250,000 and a completion period of six months.

Much to the delight of local residents, particular during the summer months when young visitors swarm to Nerja, it will mean an end, at least temporarily, to the use of the park as a ‘botellódromo’ – street drinking location. The area is currently authorised for the ‘botellón’ between 22:30 and 01:30.

This practice will have to cease, at least for the duration of the construction works. The Council is apparently considering two options, either to ban the ‘botellón’ permanently or to relocate it to another area. Residents in calle Antonio Ferrandis ;chanquete’ have long complained about the noise made by the young drinkers, particularly in the summer.

The Local Police will be responsible for monitoring the situation and ensuring that the street drinkers do not migrate to other areas, such as in and around Plaza Tutti Frutti.

Presumably, another side effect will be the loss of yet more valuable (free) parking spaces in the town.

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