The new municipal corporation

Following the elections on May 22nd, the new municipal corporation, which begins on June 11th 2011, is composed of the following councillors:

José Alberto Armijo (PP), María Nieves Atencia Fernández (PP), José Miguel García Jimena (PP), Inocencia Quintero Moreno (PP), Bernardo Pozuelo Muñoz (PP), José Alberto Tomé Rivas (PP), Nuchi Moreno Zorrilla (PP), Antonio García Zorrilla (PP), Sandra Jimena Jaime (PP), Antonio Villasclaras Martín (PP), Gema García Rojo (PP), José Miguel Jimena Ortega (PP), Ángel Ramírez Doña (PSOE), María del Carmen González Ortega (PSOE), Luis Peña Fernández (PSOE), Pablo Jimena Herrera (PSOE), Rosa María Arrabal Téllez (PSOE), Telesforo Romero Villasclaras (IU), Jorge Bravo Gallardo (IU), Anabel Iranzo Platero (IU) and Juan Carratú Yedro (IU).

  1. will says:

    Having seen the new list of elected local councillors to represent Nerja in all areas of life I am sure they will ensure all the benefits available will be given to local residents and ex pats alike in these times of “credit Crunch.
    Besides the issues surrounding the general running of the nerja economy I wonder if they are going to sort the sewage issue which has dogged the Nerja resort for many a year?
    It is all well and good to be elected on the promise of progress and general development of whats best for Nerja as a whole which I include locals and tourists alike.
    I want nothing more than to see the local residents enjoy the future prosperity of Nerja and its tourists also request it maintaines its current charm and charisma, which entices all nationalities to return year after year.
    If all the politicians who are newly elected offer one thing, I hope it includes the delivery of a new water treatment plant to put a stop to the horrible sewage that I have witnessed floating off the calahonda beach during the summer months. How can this continue ?
    If the tourist trade is to continue to be a major issue, and source of revenue, then please sort out the local issues and the tourist will continue to visit as always.

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