British paedophile arrested in Almeria

National Police in Almeria have arrested alleged paedophile Leslie Morris, aged 66 years, who is wanted in the UK in connection with four counts of rape and twelve counts of sexual abuse against his stepdaughter when she was aged 9 to 13 years old and later against her daughter.

Morris has been the subject of an International Arrest Warrant since July 2010. It was the young girl, daughter of his stepdaughter who told her mother about the assaults and she informed the police.

Morris fled the UK and had been living in Los Gallardos in Almeria ever since.

  1. Gary Wilcox says:

    I find your headline of this article a great shame!, I hope you are as quick to print that Leslie Morris was found NOT GUILTY on ALL charges!!
    I would think that responsible reporting should be the order of the day and realise that a person is innocent until proven guilty! Leslie Morris is innocent and responsible reporting would mean that you also cover Leslie Morris’s innocence, judging by your first sensationilised headline, I doubt it!!

  2. The Captain says:

    Innocent until proven guilty is the reason for the report (and all reports) stating ALLEGED paedophile…subject of an International Arrest Warrant…etc
    Have been unable to trace ANY mention of a trial in either the UK or Spanish press, therefore unable to report any results of such. If you have a link to the details of the trial then please let us know.

  3. Dave Lacey says:

    Prior to moving to Los Gallardos in Almeria Leslie’s wife divorced him, this was so that when she retired and they both moved to Los Gallardos that her pension from the charity she worked for would be substantially more. Leslie and June sold up their business and home and moved to the small village of Los Gallardos, where they live very happily a number of years. June’s son from her first marriage and daughter-in-law moved to Los Gallardos from London and lived with them with their children for about six months until they were able to find a house in the village of their own to buy. Around 2010 June met someone else online and left Leslie for Australia and a new life, June has since married her new love a German man 20 years her junior. The house and everything in Los Gallardos was purchased in June’s name easier for tax reasons, June has never gotten on with her daughter who moved to Australia some twenty years ago but offered the house to her for a very low price as she needed money for her new life. Was Leslie the victim of a clever plot to get him out of the house so it could be sold? Who knows, if he is guilty then he should be hung up in the village square by his private parts and flogged if not then maybe the police be looking at what June is up to?

  4. Gary Wilcox says:

    Dave as mentioned Leslie Morris has been exonerated of all charges and as Dave Lacey states maybe the attentions of the police should be turned towards June. But more importantly, I think everyone should know about his innocence, not a nice thing to be accused of wen totally innocent!
    In answer to “the captain”;
    I am am aware that the actual article showed “alleged” but the actual title appeared to be quite damning. I personally think you owe Leslie Morris an apology for the actual title of the piece!

  5. Gary Wilcox says:

    Dave, I am the husband of Leslie’s niece. As you can imagine Les’s family are very pleased with the verdict and NEVER doubted Leslie’s innocence.
    Please can you let me know how you know Leslie’s story so well?
    Be grateful to hear from you?
    Many thanks

  6. Gary Morris says:

    Hi Dave
    I am leslie Morris direct nephew i am very interested in your interest in the recent great news from the outcome of the court case
    Also you must know of myself as you are keen to express in words what you think you know
    Please look forward to speaking to you

  7. Tobias Köberle says:

    Whilst these ‘comments’ have only been brought to my attention over a year after they were published, I wish to add this note for all people reading this now or in the future.

    I am June’s husband and I fully and absolutely condemn any slander of either June or my characters, motives and actions, especially by this rabble.

    Whoever this “Dave Lacey” is, he has his facts wrong on several counts, including dates and figures, but it is beneath me to reply directly to this man.

    Let the reader decide whether a case that went before a British Court after a year of evidence gathering deserves the apparent affront shown by family members of Leslie Morris, none of whom appeared in court by Leslie’s side.

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