Let the games begin…

The €9 billion Olympic games have begun after a lavish three-hour opening ceremony and looking at a few headlines around the world, the general opinion seems to along the lines of ‘quirky pandemonium in the true British spirit’.

The Australian commented, “No other nation would use the opportunity of a billion-strong television audience to honour its health system”, which is probably true.

The highlights, for me anyway, were the choice of music, Mr Bean, the Czech athletes in blue wellies (kudos) and the poor North Korean athletes being about the only ones not marching round holding cameras and phones aloft to capture the moment.

Now its just the minor sideshow of a bunch of people running round in circles, lifting and chucking things around, splashing in the water and jumping over sticks before the next major bit, the closing ceremony.

And I only had to look up Kiribati….Off to make a flagon of cocoa so I won’t have to get up and miss any of the action in the synchronised knitting.

  1. The €9 billion Olympic games have begun after a lavish three-hour opening ceremony which cost £27m, and homeless people still slept on park benches less than 2 miles away from the venue. And people say this event shows Britain at its best!!

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