Busy weekend

Tonight is the third edition of the Fiesta Blanca in Nerja, this year returning to El Salon beach and starting at 22:30. Tomorrow, Sunday August 15th, is the Noche del Vino – Night of the Wine – in Competa with 5,000 litres of the local brew just waiting to be consumed.

Fiesta Blanca 2010

The Fiesta Blanca this year is on August 14th and takes place on El Salon beach from 22:30. Sergio Blázquez will be conducting proceedings and saxophonist Dani will be appearing as a guest.

Two August celebrations

This year’s Fiesta Blanca is on Friday August 14th and the Day of the Tourist is on Friday August 21st.

All white on the night…

Never seen so many people dressed all in white. It was certainly a very successful first Big Booze and Bop Beach Bash in Nerja last night, or Fiesta Blanca as it was labeled.

Fiesta Blanca in Nerja

El Salon beach in Nerja was a sea of white last night as thousands turned out to celebrate the first Fiesta Blanca.

New fiesta for Nerja

August 14th is the date, playa El Salon is the location and white is the order of the day.