Problems in the olive oil sector

The consumption of olive oil is up, this year’s harvest is expected to exceed 63,000 tons in Málaga province, up 9,500 tons on last season, but the sector has made a loss of €11 million compared to last season as the price per kilo has fallen.

44,000 tons of olive oil going into storage

Technicians from the Junta de Andalucia have begun to seal deposits of virgin olive oil held by mills who have asked for financial aid from public funds for the private storage of oil in an effort to force the market price to rise.

Huge tractorcade expected in Jaén

The Organisation of Farmers and Cattlemen (COAG) is hoping that today will see the biggest ever gathering of tractors in Andalucía as they plan to converge on Jaén to protest about the state of the olive oil industry.

More protests by olive farmers

Around 500 tractors converged on Lucena, Córdoba, yesterday as protests continue against the low price of olive oil.

Strike called in olive oil industry in Jaén

COAG, the Coordinadora de Organizaciones de Agricultores y Ganaderos de Andalucía (Coordinator of Organizations of Farmers and Ranchers of Andalucia), has called for a strike in Jaén province to demand fair prices for olive oil.

Día del Aceite Verdial in Periana

Tomorrow, Sunday, is the Día del Aceite Verdial in Periana and an estimated 15,000 people are expected to attend the fiesta.