The dilemma…

Swifts nesting in the window shutters is one thing (amazing how they swoop into such a small crack without ending up with a headache) but, and avoiding clichés like the plague, pigeons are a completely different kettle of worms. The Council may be about to put up a few signs saying ‘no pigeons’, so perhaps it is time to follow suit. …

Council takes on the pigeons

The Councillor for Public Health, Andrés Márquez, has announced the start of a campaign to control the number of pigeons in the municipality, particularly in areas such as the Balcon de Europa and the Narixa college.

Riveting stuff!…

Another riveting episode in the life of the two pigeons on the balcony, could even take over from watching Conrad smoke his pipe. They – must think of suitable names for them, it’s only fair – haven’t been up to much really, apart from watching the world go by. The pace of raiding Dave’s flower boxes has slowed to a …

Pigeon post…

When I moved into my current apartment, last June, there were a couple of pigeons who had made their home on the balcony. They promptly disappeared. Not into a pie, but of their own accord. A couple of months ago they reappeared, choosing exactly the same place to set up their ‘home’, on top of a closet/wardrobe/storage thingy. Well, on …

Pigeon moussaka?

An Australian traveler returning home was detained at customs after officers discovered two eggs concealed in a vitamin jar. A further search revealed he had two pigeons and an undeclared aubergine down his trousers! The pigeons were wrapped in padded envelopes and held to his legs by a pair of tights.