Jazz tonight

The nightly entertainement in Plaza Fabrica de los Cangrejos is pretty varied and tonight it’s jazz with the Coastline Dixielanders, starting at 22:00.

Bring on the dancers…

Sunday night in Plaza Fabrica de los Cangrejos was the dance group Juan Torcuato.

Let there be music…

The nightly entertainment has begun in Plaza Fabrica de los Cangrejos. Last night was a fascinatingly bizarre ensemble, a mixture of clowning and serious music. It was a bit like a scene from 200 Motels and one half expected Frank Zappa to make a Lazarine appearance at some stage. Certainly different and quite fascinating.

Boing boing…

The regular summer trampoline thingy is now in place down at the bottom of Plaza Fabrica de los Cangrejos, next to Torrecilla beach. Always seems to be popular and stays in use till very late at night.

What a difference a day makes…

‘What a difference a day makes’, as someone once sang, and it’s so true. The beautiful weather brought people out in their droves, not so much in the centre of town but down at the beach. The pavement cafes around Plaza Fabrica de los Cangrejos were teeming with customers, all enjoying a sit in the sun for a change. Torrecilla …