Weekend toll

A total of sixteen people lost their lives on the roads in Spain over the weekend with another nine people seriously injured.

Weekend toll

Three people died and another three were seriously injured on the roads in Andalucía at the weekend.

Weekend toll

A total of nineteen people lost their lives on the Spanish roads at the weekend and a further twelve suffered serious injuries.

Weekend toll

The Spanish roads claimed the lives of 15 people at the weekend with another 9 seriously injured.

Weekend toll

There were ten fatal accidents on the Spanish roads at the weekend with 12 people losing their lives and another 8 seriously injured. In Andalucía, three people died and three more were seriously injured.

Weekend toll

A total of 29 people lost their lives in road traffic accidents over the long ‘puente’ weekend, with a further 18 seriously injured.

Weekend toll

Seventeen people died on the Spanish roads at the weekend, seven of them motorcyclists. A further three people were seriously injured.

Weekend toll

Thirteen people lost their lives on Spanish roads at the weekend.

Weekend road toll

Twenty people lost their lives on the Spanish roads over the weekend, half of them either motorbike or moped riders. A further six people were seriously injured. The figure is down on the corresponding weekend last year when there were thirty fatalities.