Automatic extension of ‘Plan Prepara’

The Cabinet has approved the automatic renewal, every six months, of the ‘Plan Prepara’ which provides financial aid to the unemployed who do not receive any other form of benefits.

New Plan Prepara comes into force today

The new Plan Prepara – financial assistance of between €400 and €450 per month for unemployed who have exhausted their unemployment benefit or have dependants – comes into effect today, Sunday August 26th.

Work experience programme

Since last March a total of twenty-two mainly local companies have signed up for the Programme for Professional Experience, an initiative designed to provide paid work experience for unemployed in the municipality who have had trouble getting a job.

Unemployment tops five million

The number of unemployed at the end of 2011 hit five million for the first time with 5,273,600 out of work, that’s 22.85% of the registered workforce.

Training course for young people in Torrox

Fifteen unemployed young people in Torrox have completed a training course for Sports Monitors. The course lasted 320 hours and included theoretical and practical training, work orientation and environmental and health and safety training.

Get ’em working they say

In the UK, a Mori survey conducted for thinktank Policy Exchange reports that 77% of voters think long-term benefit claimants should have to do community work in return for the dole, with 69% believing that claimants should lose their benefits if they turn down the offer of a job, even if it pays the same or less than welfare payouts.

New assistance scheme for the unemployed comes into force today

Tuesday saw the end of the €426 per month temporary unemployment assistance payments under the PRODI programme, to be replaced as from today, Wednesday, by a new scheme whereby €400 per month is available for the unemployed who are not receiving any form of benefits.

Proposed changes to residency requirements for non-EU nationals

The financial crisis has resulted in thousands of non-EU immigrants losing their jobs and, as a consequence, becoming illegal. A proper job and contribution to the Social Security system are prerequisites for obtaining renewal of residency permits.