Eight arrests after man is robbed twice

Police in Vélez-Málaga have arrested a total of eight people in connection with two unconnected robberies perpetrated against one man.

Council plans to reduce electricity bill

Vélez-Málaga Council is planning to save €74,000 on the current municipal electricity bill and is also putting the municipal electricity up for tender at €800,000, which it is said will result in savings of 20% on the one million euro per year bill. It could also, of course, mean that when the Council inevitably defaults on payments to the concessionaire, …

Council changes its mind about a new outdoor swimming pool

The PP government in Vélez-Málaga has decided not to go ahead with the proposed construction of a new swimming pool in Vélez, part of a project to improve the facilities at the Fernando Ruiz Hierro sports centre, saying that the existing indoor pools in Vélez and Torre del Mar and outdoor pools in Vélez, Triana and Cájiz are sufficient to meet demand.

Grants and subsidies for local associations

Vélez-Málaga Council is allocating a total of €42,000 in grants and subsidies for local associations and organisations, representing the €27,000 allocated by the previous administration (but not paid out in 2010) plus an additional €15,000.

Plan to move the retail market in 2013

Vélez-Málaga Council is planning to relocate the current San Francisco retail market to the site of the former bus station in avenida Vivar Téllez, once the necessary refurbishment work has been completed of course.

Blue Zone parking proposals

The business associations of Vélez-Málaga (ACEV) and Torre del Mar (ACET) have submitted a proposal for the creation of 800 so-called ‘Blue Zone’ parking spaces, basically a parking tax, covering about a dozen streets in the town.

Coviran to return

Following a meeting with the Mayor of Vélez-Málaga, Francisco Delgado, the Andalucian food distributor Coviran has decided to return to the municipality and resume a €6 million logistics centre in the area.

Municipal transparency

For those who are curious about how much the mayor and councillors earn, the municipal website displays these figures. www.velezmalaga.es → transparencia → Retribuciones económicas de los concejales de la corporación municipal

II Song Festival in Sign Language

The II Song Festival in Sign Language takes place on December 8th at the Teatro del Carmen in Vélez-Málaga, the aim being to bring music to the hearing-impaired through the interpretation of songs and performances using Spanish sign language.

Vélez-Málaga Council considering new taxes to boost revenue

Dwindling revenue from construction projects, the primary source of income for many municipalities and motivation for much unnecessary building, is forcing Councils to seek other sources of revenue, even including inventing new taxes. Such is the case in Vélez-Málaga.