Work has resumed on the fraternity house in calle Puente Viejo, Nerja, after a long period of inactivity.

The project, a three storey building to be shared equally by the ‘Resucitado’ and ‘Nazarene’ brotherhoods, was started in November 2006. Each brotherhood will have a throne room, museum, a small chapel, assembly hall and administrative offices and it is now hoped that phase one of the building works will be completed by the summer.

The site for the building, a 425 square metre plot, was ceded to the brotherhoods by the Nerja Council for a period of 75 years. The total budget for the project is €600,000 and phase one has been funded by the Nerja Council (€180,000), The Nerja Caves Foundation (€60,000) and the two brotherhoods (€30,000 each).

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