Nerja municipal bus service

The Nerja Council is keen to improve the traffic situation in the town and, at the next plenary session on Monday April 14th, a motion is being put forward to extend the municipal bus service.

The current contract for the local bus service (the Blue Bus) is in the hands of Viajes Verano Azul and expires at the beginning of next year. The Councillor for Transport, Antonio Miguel Navas, is proposing that the contract not be automatically renewed but once again be put up for grabs. The last time the contract was ‘awarded’ was in 1998.

In addition, the Councillor is proposing the extension of the service to include Maro at one end and Ladera del Mar, on the border with Torrox, at the other end. The Council is already in discussion with Viajes Verano Azul to introduce such an extended service this summer. The Council has also commissioned a report by the Department of Transportation at the University of Málaga to determine the real needs of the local population as regards mobility and the results will be taken into account when awarding any new contract.

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