Cueva del Tesoro

Visitor numbers to the Cueva del Tesoro, one of the major tourist attractions in Rincón de la Victoria, have been steadily increasing.

Since 2004, visitor numbers to the Cueva del Tesoro, a marine cave, have increased by 58%, with 36,249 people making the trip in 2007.

The cave is relatively unknown, even to many in Málaga province, but the Council has been working hard to ‘put it on the map’ as it were. In addition, the immediate area around the cave is to get a major facelift with improvements and repairs to the pavements, renewing of street lighting, installation of new street furniture and a better parking area.

There will aslo be some improvements taking place inside the cave itself, enabling better public access and the elimination of what has been described as ‘that evil green lighting’. This work, being carried out at a cost of €220,000, is scheduled to be completed within four months.

The current state of some of the paved areas and the car park leaves much to be desired.

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