The car manufacturere Nissan has presented documentation to the Ministry of Labour relating to the reduction of its workforce in Barcelona, something which the company says is both ‘inevitable’ and ‘necessary’ to ensure the future viability of the company in Cataluña.
The plan envisages the loss of 1,288 jobs before the end of this year and another 392 next September. The reduction, which accounts for 40% of the total workforce, is being made in two phases to try and minimise the impact of the layoffs.
Nissan is proposing early retirement for workers over 55 years of age and the redeployment of some to other plants in Spain or Europe. The company has agreed to hire a firm specialising in redeployment of workers and also to set up a ‘reserve’ of employees who would be eligible for re-employment in the future should such a situation arise.
Once all the paperwork is submitted and approved, the company, Unions and an intermediary from the Labour Inspectorate will have one month to reach a consensual agreement.
However, the Unions have already stated their opposition to the proposal by Nissan and have been holding various protest demonstrations, not a particularly good omen for reaching a ‘consensual’ agreement.