The two youths who set fire to a vagrant in Barcelona in 2005 have been sentenced to 17 years in prison.
Rosario Endrinal, a vagrant who had taken to sleeping in the cabin of an ATM machine at the Caixa bank, was doused in petrol by Oriol Plana, Ricard Pinilla and Juan José M.R., a minor at the time of the incident. Ricard Pinilla then set her on fire with a lighted cigarette.
Rosario Endrinal suffered burns to 70% of her body and died in hospital the following day.
Plana and Pinilla have been sentenced to 16 years in prison for premeditated murder and a further year for causing damage to the cash machine. They have also been ordered to pay compensation of €46,000 to the mother and daughter of the deceased and €26,719 to La Caixa for the damage to their ATM.
The third person involved, a minor at the time of the incident, had already been sentenced to 8 years detention in a secure juvenile centre, the sentence being the maximum permitted under Spanish law.