
cavananerjamar12After 30 years, the metal kiosk on Plaza Cavana has gone. There can’t be many people who haven’t bought something at the kiosk at sometime or other, be it an ice cream or whatever. But it’s gone now, never to return.

The owner, Antonio Gálvez Figueroa, who ran the business with his wife, is in his eighties now and has recently been ill.

There are plans to renovate Plaza Cavana in the near future and it appears that a kiosk on the site does not figure in the municipal plans and a renewal of the licence, therefore, appears an unlikely prospect.

Antonio’s son, who could have taken over the business, decided it would be better to dismantle the kiosk rather than wait and see it removed, or destroyed, at a later stage, something which would have upset his father.

It looks very much like the Little Flock, a cafe/bar just off the Balcón de Europa has closed, another casualty of the recession.

Scratchcard merchants were on the Balcón de Europa, quite a common site again now.

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