Tomorrow is another day…

It looks very much like the new Truffle Bistro in calle Manuel Marín has closed after only about two months. The Pato Cantonese Chinese restaurant on avenida Castilla Perez has definitely closed for the foreseeable future. It may, or may not, reopen next year, if the owners feel like it.

Very busy on the Balcón de Europa this afternoon. The square was almost jam-packed for a couple of big weddings.

And an inordinate number of nuns milling around today. Brown habits, not sure which order they belong to, maybe someone out there knows and can enlighten us!

The Nordic estate agent has moved from calle Diputación to calle Granada (opposite the Nerja Book Centre). The move was an economic one, similar or possibly even larger premises but half the monthly rental.

Tomorrow is a busy day here and there. It is the Dia de La Cruz in many towns, it is Mother’s Day in Spain and it is Dia del Nispero in Sayalonga to name but a few.

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