Rio Chillar project

The Rio Chillar beautification project has been beset with problems since it began over two years ago and now, although there are completed walkways, cycle paths and various adornments along its shortened route, a couple of problems still exist.

As anyone who walks down that area will have noticed, there are two large concentrations of water, huge puddles in effect. One is near the mouth of the river, the other is by the bridge, and neither is intentional. They are caused by technical deficiencies.

The provincial Department of Environment are already trying to rectify the problem at the mouth of the river and are studying technical proposals to correct the second unintentional reservoir.

The main effect of these two reservoirs, enlarged by recent rainfall, is that they are a breeding ground for mosquitoes and many residents in the area have already lodged complaints with the Council.

Once these deficiencies have been rectified, the Council will then set about organising an official inauguration of this area.

In the meantime, perhaps a mental note should be made that any future channels designed to carry occasional water should be built on an incline, preferably in a downward direction. It just might help.

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