Guadalinfo in Torrox

Torrox has become part of the Guadalinfo programme, an initiative to promote universal internet access and improve digital literacy amongst the general public and the first centre is now open.

The idea behind the scheme is free public access to the internet so people can learn the basic skills so important in this modern, digital world. In the early days of this project, it was limited to towns with populations under 10,000, but this has now been upgraded to 20,000, which means Torrox now qualifies.

Although there are numerous such centres in Andalucía, there are only about a dozen in the Axarquia.

The Torrox centre is located in the building formerly used by the Parchís nursery school in edificio Esperanto 1º A and B in avenida del Faro. The opening times are:

  • Monday and Tuesday mornings: 10:00-12:00
  • Friday morning: 09:00-14:00
  • Monday to Thursday evenings: 15:00-21:30.

There are currently ten laptops available, but this will shortly be increased to sixteen. It’s all free, you only have to register in advance.

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