310 new pharmacies for Andalucía

Andalucía is set to have another 310 pharmacies as, for the first time in the region, these are being put out to tender and will be judged on the basis of technical and professional merit.

The idea behind this new plan is to improve access to pharmaceutical products, especially in low population areas and in towns, such as along the coast, where the number of inhabitants is constantly increasing.

Fifty of these new establishments will be in areas, often isolated, which currently do not have a pharmacy. Another sixty-three are for tourist areas with a large number of hotels and second, holiday homes where there is a significant increase in population at certain times during the year.

By province, the distribution of these new pahrmacies will be:

Almería – 45

Cádiz – 36

Córdoba – 16

Granada – 26

Huelva – 23

Jaén – 17

Málaga – 72

Sevilla – 75

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