Golf course in the news again

The multinational company Medgroup, linked to US business tycoon George Soros, have once again been making noises about the stalled golf course project in Nerja.

In 2004, Medgroup agreed a project to build a golf course, a five star hotel and 1,000 luxury homes in the La Coladilla area of Nerja to the north of the Nerja Caves.

The Council sold Medgroup a one million square metre plot of land for this purpose, the company paying €11 million of the €15 million sale price.

In 2005,  the new POTA (Plan de Ordenación del Territorio de la Axarquía) was introduced and this changed the status of the land to protected status as part of the Sierras Tejeda, Almijara and Alhama natural park and therefore non-developable.

Medgroup demanded their money back, claiming they had been the victim of a scam. Nerja Council, with all parties agreeing for once, replied that a refund was ‘inappropriate’ as the matter was the responsibility of the Junta de Andalucia.

Medgroup took the matter to the courts, specifically the Court of Contentious Administration number 3 in Málaga in June 2007 but there has not yet been a ruling on the matter.

Medgroup say they are open to alternatives regarding the golf course project but it is up to the Junta de Andalucia to make any proposals. The company also appears to agree that responsibility in this matter does not lie with Nerja Council although the Council has a vested interest in seeing an amicable agreement as the golf course is seen as vital for the municipality.

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