Junta asks Torrox Council to halt VPO project

The Junta de Andalucia has written to Torrox Council asking them to immediately stop the sale of two municipal plots of land in the Barranco del Puerto where it is planned to build 152 VPO (subsidised) houses.

According to the Junta de Andalucia, the project is contrary to Article 76 of the Town Planning Act of Andalucia (LOUA) in that the quoted price per metre is too low.

The Council argue that the project dossier being referred to by the Junta de Andalucia is incomplete and that the mistake was rectified with the sending of further documentation in support of the minimum price, set at €500,000.

The Council now says it is waiting for the Junta de Andalucia to approve the awarding of the contract to the only UTE which submitted a bid. The bid was for €845,000 plus IVA.

The Opposition PSOE has criticised the Mayor of Torrox, Toñi Claros (IU), for withholding information relating to the sales procedure.

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