San Juan 2010

San Juan, NerjaThe San Juan festivities begin at 20:00 on June 23rd with a meal for the Seniors at Ayo’s on Burriana beach. Tickets for this must be obtained in advance from the Oficina de Atención al Ciudadano.

At 22:00 there will be music on Burriana beach with the group Alalba and at midnight there will be the traditional bonfire and a firework display.

There are a few rules which have been implemented relating to camping on the beach during the 23rd and 24th (a holiday):

  • It is prohibited to connect electrical equipment, cooking facilities etc to the public electricity supply.
  • Generator cables must not cross roads or other pathways.
  • It is prohibited to use wood containing nails, bolts or any other metal objects for the fires.
  • It is prohibited to leave behind old furniture and other debris after the end of the festivities.
  • It is prohibited to mark out or section off spaces on the beach with any type of fence, such as wooden, canvas or rope.
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