Poster competition results

On Tuesday, the prizes were awarded for the ‘Imagínate la Paz’ – Imagine Peace – poster competition organised by the Lions Club of Nerja.

The jury consisted of Carmen Bermejo, BA in Art History, Margarett Barrat, treasurer of the Lions Club and Sofia Cañestro, club member. There were three prizes for each school and the winners were:

Colegio Fuente del Badén. First, Claudia Eberhandt, second, Ángela Jaime Prieto, third, Ángela Fernández Domínguez.

Colegio Joaquín Herrera: First, Rocío Zúñiga Torcuato, second, Juan Sánchez Rico, third, Andrés García Rodríguez.

Colegio Narixa: First, Mauro Nicolás Sosa Aracilia, second, Valeria Narváez Martín, third, Sara Gracia Martín.

Colegio Nueva Nerja: First, Isabel María Bravo Acosta, second, Isabelle Towell, third, Valentina Carretero Gil.

Colego San Miguel: First, Carmen Centurión Moreno, second, Nuria Jiménez Urdiales, third, Paula Raya Doña.

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