Changes to the Public Safety Act

The Director General of the police, Ignacio Cosidó, has announced that one of the items included in the reform of the Public Safety Act is a ban on the capture, reproduction or processing of images, sounds or information relating to members of the security forces in the exercise of their duties which may endanger life or risk the operation they are developing.

The aim is to find a balance between protecting the rights of citizens and those of the security forces.

The Director General has also been considering the need to enhance the legal certainty of officers by providing legal services for their defence in ‘conflict situations’ which may arise during an operation.

In this context, Cosidó warned that there is increasing violence against police and the existence of a culture of violence that undermines the foundations of a democratic society.

Cosidó also took the opportunity to express his support for the bill to amend the Penal Code.

Under the proposals for reforming the Penal Code, the definition of a crime of assault will include all cases of aggression, assault, use of violence or serious threats of violence on or against members of the security forces, members of services providing assistance and members of the rescue services.

It is also proposed to increase the penalty relating to the carrying of weapons, using simulated weapons or carrying out acts of violence which endanger the life or safety of individuals and looting.

It will also be a punishable offence to distribute messages that incite the commission of an offence, disorderly conduct or acts of violence. This does not include messages merely calling for a demonstration.

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