Junta refuses to comment on Alcalá de Guadaíra deaths

The Ministry of Health in Andalucia is refusing to comment on the causes of the tragic deaths of three members of one family in the town of Alcalá de Guadaíra, Sevilla, and insists that the proper medical protocols were observed.

Autopsies and toxicological analyses are being carried out to determine the cause of death and the Ministry is calling for caution until the results are known.  The Ministry is also ignoring any complaints or reports surrounding the health care provided to the victims, saying only that the medical protocols established for such events were duly followed.

According to the statement released on Saturday by the Ministry, the four people involved in this event, a couple and their two daughters, were treated at home by an Emergency Medical Team  – doctor, nurse and driver – after being alerted to a possible case of food poisoning. The call was made at 02:55 by someone in the family home.

At 09:09 on Saturday , the Emergency Ubit (Equipo Móvil del Dispositivo de Cuidados Críticos de Urgencias) responded to a new call from the home due to a worsening of symptoms. The medical team found two adults in a serious condition and a 14-year-old girl in cardiac arrest.

Due to their medical condition, the two adults were taken to Valme hospital, while the surviving daughter was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of the Hospital Virgen del Rocío.

Unfortunately, the woman died at 17:15 and the man died at 18:00. The surviving girl is said to be ‘progressing well’ and has been moved to the wards.

Meanwhile, three days of official mourning have been declared in Alcalá de Guadaíra.

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