It was the biggest turnout for many a year on the Balcón de Europa,with the seething mass of humanity stretching from the iglesia El Salvador right down to the viewpoint.
At the stroke of midnight came the chimes, relayed live from Puerta del Sol in Madrid, which went off without a hitch or confusion this time, and as the cheers died down the firework display began.
There was even a Scottish piper making his way up and down the Balcón, serenading the assembled throng. Quite a few people in kilts, in fact.
The weather probably helped the turnout. Clear skies, dry and relatively warm, ideal conditions.
After the main firework display on the Balcón de Europa, several other displays could be seen at various points along the coast. Presumably a time-zone thing.
Wilfred says:
Wondred how many people trod in the “dog mess” which has blighted Nerja for far to many years