Annual crackdown on street vendors

Following a busy summer season and the end of the feria, during which times one was almost falling over bag sellers and other street vendors, the Local Police have now launched a special ‘campaign’ to crack down on such activities.

Street vendors denounced

This year, the Local Police appear to have been carrying out more regular monitoring of street vendors during the summer period rather than a one-off token clampdown at the beginning of the season.

Is there any point?…

There seems to be very little point, apart from the ‘positive’ publicity spin, of these short-lived, usually just two or three day, ‘campaigns’ or ‘crackdowns’ on various activities. For a couple of days, there was a recent ‘campaign’ against illegal street vending of such items as sunglasses, dodgy DVD’s etc, and for those couple of days those vendors kept a …


The crackdown on street vendors only lasted a couple of days and they are now all back on the streets, openly displaying their dodgy CD’s, DVD’s, fake sunglasses etc, so what did it achieve except for a bit of ‘we’re doing something’ publicity? It is the same with the annual crackdown, or ‘campaign’, against irresponsible dog owners. It lasts a …

Clampdown on street vendors

Local Police are carrying out their annual clampdown on street vendors and have confiscated a range of items including counterfeit sunglasses, bags, massage packs and clothing. The clampdown, mainly on Burriana, the Balcón de Europa and other busy areas, will last several days and was requested by local businesses and traders.

Fuengirola clampdown on illegal street vendors

The summer season is almost upon us and Fuengirola Council has set up a special plan to deal with the illegal street vendors who will be plying their wares to the tourists.

No fish today…

Ten o’clock this morning and the Guardia Civil were down on avenida Castilla Perez, at the junction with calle Diputacion, bagging-up all the fish being offered for sale by the regular street vendors. Discounting the theory that the Guardia Civil fancied a big breakfast fry-up, either the fish were deemed to be immature or too small – they looked pretty …

Protest by street traders

Street vendors in Andalucia are protesting against a new European directive relating to their profession and they are holding a rally outside the parliament building in Sevilla.

Summer crackdown on street vendors

The summer season will see more Local Police officers on the streets of Nerja as part of the annual crackdown on unlicensed street vendors and the sale of counterfeit products.