Nerja market dispute

Nerja market disputeRepresentatives of the Nerja Market Traders met yesterday in Torre del Mar with the president of the Andalucían Partido Popular, Javier Arenas, and the mayor of Vélez-Málaga, Francisco Delgado Bonilla, to request their help to resolve the market dispute.

The Nerja market dispute is now in its tenth weekand there is no sign of the issue being resolved. The market traders are steadfastly refusing to set up their stalls at the new site in Almijara, which they consider to be too far from the centre of town and, as a consequence, would adversely affect their livelihoods.

The Nerja Council is equally adamant that the Almijara site, custom built and at great cost, is the only one available at the present time.

The Market Traders Association, AVAM, has also requested permission to hold protest meetings outside the Nerja Council offices every Tuesday during the month of September.

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