Body of Iberian Lynx found in Villamanrique

Experts from the Ministry of Environment have located the body of a female Iberian lynx, thought to be pregnant, on the Algodonera-Laguna road in San Lázaro in the muncicipality of Villamanrique de la Condesa, Sevilla. All the signs indicate the animal was hit by a vehicle.

The seven year old animal has been taken to the Center for Analysis and Diagnosis of Endangered Wildlife (CAD) where an autopsy will be carried out. The animal had a transmitter collar which is how the authorities managed to locate it.

This is the first Iberian lynx to die in the protected Doñana area this year. Around fifty of these cats, considered the most critically endangered species on the planet, live in the Doñana reserve with around twenty of the number being females.

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