Movement on the botanical gardens front

The PP spokesperson, José Miguel García Jimena, announced to day that the Council has just received a letter from the Department of Environment of the Junta de Andalucía requesting permission to construct a botanical garden in the area by the Nerja Caves known as Pinar y Dehesa del Río Chillar.

The Councillor was quick to point out that it is only a week since the Opposition spokesperson, and manager of the Nerja Caves Foundation, Ángel Ramírez, urged the Council to get a move on with the transfer of land for this project.

An extract from the letter reads:

en la Cláusula Tercera del Convenio de Cooperación entre la Consejería de Medio Ambiente y el Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Nerja, para la gestión de dicho monte, de fecha 13 de mayo de 1996, corresponde a la Consejería de Medio Ambiente la ordenación de los espacios dedicados a actividades recreativas, educativas o culturales que sean compatibles con la conservación del monte y que hayan sido previamente autorizadas por el Ayuntamiento

Basically, in response to your request of May13th 1996…..Things move rather rapidly!

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