Complaints about rubbish in Torrox

The Young Socialists group in Torrox has complained to the Council that the rubbish collection area next to the Colina del Sol school has become an unhealthy site attracting insects and rodents and poses a potential health risk.

The secretary general, Lauren Salvatierra, explained that the rubbish has been accumulating during the past few weeks and that this is not the first time this situation has occurred. Salvatierra added that the Councillor responsible, Jacinto Medina, seems to have a fondness for letting the rubbish accumulate in order to take part in a photo opportunity when it is later removed.

The Councillor for Cleaning explained that these particular rubbish collection points are not yet officially in operation and that the problem is caused by the illegal dumping of garbage by local residents. He added that the area has already been cleared again.

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